The Abyss of Behemoth

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Agents of Behemoth: Four Points of Contention

"Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of desire. However, greed (as seen by the Church) is applied to an artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions.

Thomas Aquinas wrote, "Greed is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." In Dante's Purgatory, the penitents are bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated excessively on earthly thoughts." - Wikipedia: Seven deadly sins/Greed

"Hoarding of materials or objects, theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of authority are all actions that may be inspired by greed. Such misdeeds can include simony, where one attempts to purchase or sell sacraments, including Holy Orders and, therefore, positions of authority in the Church hierarchy." - Wikipedia: Seven deadly sins/Greed

The Agents of Behemoth are the patrons of greed.
They want to own everything that you will ever need.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Monday, December 21, 2020

Minions of Belial: Four Points of Contention

"Belial (בְלִיַּעַל bĕli-yaal) is a Hebrew word "used to characterize the wicked or worthless." The etymology of the word is often understood as "lacking worth", from two common words: beli- (בְּלִי "without-") and ya'al ( יָעַל "to be of value").

Some scholars translate it from Hebrew as "worthless" (Beli yo'il), while others translate it as "yokeless" (Beli ol), "may he have no rising" or "never to rise" (Beli ya'al)." - Wikipedia: Belial/Hebrew Bible

A Vision of Belial.
Image by John Hain from Pixabay

""Belial" is applied to ideas, words, and counsel, to calamitous circumstances, and most frequently, to worthless men of the lowest sort, such as general who stir up contention." - Wikipedia: Belial/Hebrew Bible.

The Celestial Confluence: Winter Solstice 2020

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. - Genesis 2:1

"All theologians and philosophers agree that the heavenly bodies are guided and directed by certain spiritual mediums. But those spirits are superior to our minds and souls, just as the heavenly bodies are superior to other bodies, and therefore they can influence both the mind and the body of a man, so that he is persuaded and directed to perform some human act." - From The Malleus Malleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger, Part I. Question 2.

The following is the reading list for the Scenario Supreme
which began on Yom Kippur:

Operation Bridgewater / OpBridgewater:

Required Reading 1: The Summary Judgment: Alfred Wiggins Jr. v. Bridgewater State College and others.

Required Reading 2: First letter to former Bridgewater State president Dana Mohler-Faria entitled, Original Complaint.

Required Reading 3: The Waiver of Liability by former Bridgewater State president Dana Mohler-Faria.

Required Reading 4: Final response to former Bridgewater State president Dana Mohler-Faria.

The following audio clips were entered as evidence in the case of
Alfred Wiggins Jr. v. Crossroads Rhode Island, Alias John Doe and Housing Opportunities Corporation, Alias John Doe.

It's been over fourteen years since the demotion of Pluto. It was a demotion that, according to many, seemed arbitrary and was laced with insult after insult. We believe that Pluto's demotion in the Phenomenal World and the reappearance of "the Star of Herukhuti" in the Mundane World are both somehow tied to the fate of this former college student.
During this Celestial Conference, we intend to get to the bottom of what happened to Pluto, Herukhuti and our gracious Host. In doing so, we expect to find equitable solutions that will be suitable to all parties concerned. All units will continue to operate according to their regular schedules until the next announcement. Have a blessed Winter Solstice.


Enter Scorpius.
Photo by Al Wiggins Jr.

Friday, December 18, 2020

OpDemonTracker: The Outbreak of Hostilities in Kali Yuga

Donald Trump committed a heinous act of sacrilege, then proceeded to persecute innocent Christians.

The persecution hasn't stopped since that fateful day at St John's Church.

Sacrilege is one of the few things that people from disparate spiritual traditions can understand. Sacrilege is an act of extreme disrespect towards a spiritual tradition in which one intentionally uses sacred objects improperly.

A reckoning of cosmic proportions is coming for which Satan is not prepared.
Operation Demon Tracker engaged.
Enter Scorpius
Photo by Al Wiggins Jr.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Curse of Asmodeus: Four Points of Contention

The Curse of Asmodeus: Misogyny & Crimes Against Women.
"Sexual assault is an act in which a person intentionally sexually touches another person without that person's consent, or coerces or physically forces a person to engage in a sexual act against their will. It is a form of sexual violence which includes rape (forced vaginal, anal or oral penetration or drug facilitated sexual assault), groping, child sexual abuse or the torture of the person in a sexual manner." - Wikipedia: Sexual Assault

"Outside of law, the term rape (sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent) is often used interchangeably with sexual assault. Although closely related, the two terms are technically distinct in most jurisdictions. Sexual assault typically includes rape and other forms of non-consensual sexual activity." - Wikipedia: Sexual Assault/Rape.
The Curse of Asmodeus: Misogyny & Crimes Against Women.
Image by Lumapoche at Pixabay.

There are things you shouldn't do, and lies you shouldn't tell.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Agents of Behemoth: Four Points of Contention

"Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of desire. However, greed (as seen by the Church) is applied to an artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions.

Thomas Aquinas wrote, "Greed is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." In Dante's Purgatory, the penitents are bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated excessively on earthly thoughts." - Wikipedia: Seven deadly sins/Greed

"Hoarding of materials or objects, theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of authority are all actions that may be inspired by greed. Such misdeeds can include simony, where one attempts to purchase or sell sacraments, including Holy Orders and, therefore, positions of authority in the Church hierarchy." - Wikipedia: Seven deadly sins/Greed

The Agents of Behemoth are the patrons of greed.
They want to own everything that you will ever need.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Minions of Belial: Untrustworthy & Shameless | OpDejaVu

The following was extracted from the M-7 earlier today:

The Minions of Belial:
Untrustworthy and Shameless.
 The etymology of the word is often understood as "lacking worth", from two common words: beli- (בְּלִי "without-") and ya'al ( יָעַל "to be of value"). 
Image by John Hain from Pixabay
""Belial" is applied to ideas, words, and counsel, to calamitous circumstances, and most frequently, to worthless men of the lowest sort, such as general who stir up contention." - Wikipedia: Belial/Hebrew Bible.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Operation DejaVu / OpDejaVu: The Outbreak of Hostilities | Occupy Hades

In 2014,  it was reported that the computers that comprise the internal infrastructure for the studio at Karmic Radio (also called The Seat of Consciousness) were sabotaged from within and endured another cyber attack from without. 

What follows are excerpts of that report entitled,
Red Alert, by Karmic Radio: 

"The attack targeted the computers' clocks, causing them to malfunction on March 3rd, 2014 at 3:33am.  The computers were infected and knocked out of commission and unable to log onto the web.

Photo credit: Al Wiggins Jr

Out of the five servers that were built acquired or rebuilt for Karmic Radio, four were destroyed.  Until the other day, I was using a laptop exclusively but now the primary server is back in service.

Photo credit: Al Wiggins Jr

A thorough examination of the equipment revealed the extent of the sabotage.  For instance, foreign objects were found jammed into the cd drives of a number of computers and the wires to some of the equipment, such as the mics and mic headsets were cut.  The scanner is also out of commission.

In spite of the initial, devastating effects of the attacks, the studio's main server is back in operation.  Furthermore, we were able to save our music archives (in vinyl, cassettes and mp3).  The CD archives were untouched." - Karmic Radio

"Of course you know, this means war." - Bugs Bunny

Friday, December 11, 2020

Enter Scorpius | Christ in Kali Yuga

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. - Genesis 2:1 (ESV)

"All theologians and philosophers agree that the heavenly bodies are guided and directed by certain spiritual mediums. But those spirits are superior to our minds and souls, just as the heavenly bodies are superior to other bodies, and therefore they can influence both the mind and the body of a man, so that he is persuaded and directed to perform some human act." - From The Malleus Malleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger, Part I. Question 2.
Photo: 'Enter Scorpius' by Al Wiggins Jr.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Armor of God

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication for all the saints." - Ephesians 6:11-18 (ESV).

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Heretic in the Oval Office

Well who do we have here? It's the Heretic in the Oval Office. I hear he's been having a bad week. There are two tell-all books about him on the market, then there's the various Supreme Court decisions against him. He never imagined what life would be like with trans-gendered people getting their civil rights.

Now Trump has to shut up and deal with the reality, but he doesn't yet realize that life comes at you fast when you tear-gas unsuspecting, peaceful civilians then commit sacrilege after the fact. There is a reckoning coming his way that he isn't ready for.

Sacrilege is one of the few things that people from disparate spiritual traditions can understand. Sacrilege is an act of extreme disrespect towards a spiritual tradition in which one intentionally uses sacred objects improperly.

I remember when I was a Buddhist lay-priest in the Order of Nichiren Shoshu before the schism. My shrines were usually at the center of the household. I welcomed people from all walks of life into my abode with the caveat: Don't play with the shrine. Ever.

After the schism, I became a devotee of Queen Kali, the Destroyer of Fear. For a time I was happy, but the first day of Diwali in 2014, I was disturbed by a knock at the door while performing Kali Puja. An Agent of Satan disrespected me at my door. It was one of a series of events that resulted in the formation of Occupy Hades.

In Trump's case however, he has outraged Christians across the country. He was quickly denounced by the Episcopalians and the Catholic Church. Within 24 hours the call went out among the Southern Baptists, but what is most telling is Trump's rapidly rising disapproval ratings among Evangelical Christians.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I believe this: so long as Heretic in the Oval Office does not repent and atone for the tear-gas attack on unsuspecting, peaceful civilians at St. John's Church in Washington DC, and for the act of Sacrilege he committed shortly thereafter; everything he values, his greed (Behemoth), his misogyny (Asmodeus), his desire to destroy families (Zophos) and his bold-faced lies (Belial) will become his burdens. #ResistTheHeretic✝️

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Warrior Priest

It is not enough to simply demand justice for myself. Yes, I may be disabled for the rest of my life. No, I may never have an opportunity to engage in gainful employment. However, what I can do is warn veterans about the possible pitfalls that await them. This project isn't about gloom and doom. This is just an account of my efforts to be a productive member of society who has something of value to offer, and of my ongoing efforts to finally earn my college degree.

It is taken many years to unravel the hoax that was created for me. I was enraged when I first saw the doctor's notes, and the lies that she told in order to justify her actions. After I calmed down, those notes took on a much greater meaning. I slowly realized, to my horror, that any veteran could be kidnapped & forcibly hospitalized simply by showing up to campus and reporting to class. That's what happened the day I was handcuffed and taken away by campus police.

Another reason this project was so important to me and has been so important since my lawsuit against Bridgewater State College, is that I wasn't the only student to be forcibly hospitalized on that campus. I don't know if the other students were veterans. I don't even know their names or who they were. But through the process of discovery I found out to my horror that there was a total of five students who were forcibly hospitalized. Two were men of color, and the other three were white women.

God forbid that any of those poor souls were veterans of our military. If they were, then I want my voice to be the one to tell of the pain and devastation that comes in the wake of forced hospitalization and false imprisonment. More importantly, someone must show, prove and explain how a doctor can create patients out of thin air using stereotypes about service members, laced with bold-faced lies about their careers.

This series isn't only about my experience as a veteran on a college campus. It also includes stories of, what I believe is, the discrimination I endured at the hands of people who are paid to help people get back on their feet after they become disabled; the administrators who get paid handsomely, but have utterly no regard for the lives of students.

If nothing else, this project will allow me to eventually put down the ghosts of a nightmare long past. To this day, I am haunted by memories of the waking dream I lived through during the time I was on psych meds. I do this so I won't have live out my existence as a spectator of life, without a voice. Finally, I hope to help somebody else overcome the unjust and evil acts of low-minded individuals of ill-will, in positions of power and influence, who neglect their duties and serve no one but themselves.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Warrior Priest: The Curse of Asmodeus

I'm sitting in my shrine room, contemplating my day. Most Buddhists I know have shrine rooms. Those who don't have their shrines situated in the at the center of their households. Also, another function of a shrine room is as a sanctuary for people who are in need protection. Mine is located in my living room, directly in front of my foyer and the front door. I like it that way.

A long time ago I took an oath to protect and defend battered women and their children. I think that it is bad enough to be born into a world where the honest day's work done by a woman isn't valued as much as a man's (whether he is honest or not); where a woman can be victimized by a man simply by leaving herself open to be preyed upon because she believed him when he said three simple words...I love you. 

Then, as a result of her (blind) faith in such an oaf, she is either left to fend for herself and her offspring as a single parent; or worse, she is forced to live a life rife with fear and loathing of violent reprisals from the same oaf. Even worse, she may run into another oaf who is possessed by the Curse of Asmodeus.

In good times, my home is sanctuary to all battered women and their children. It is a sort of transition point. It gives women the space and time necessary to clear their heads of the trauma of violence, and time to tend to their traumatized children as well. Each new case that I see only serves as an indictment of the state of manhood where I live. 

Not only is each case an indictment of the violent oaf that is directly guilty of abuse; each case is also an indictment of the facile, pusillanimous, silent complicity of the men who sit by and do nothing. Meanwhile, the guilty continually walk the streets thanks to weak laws that do little to protect victims. Lately, times are not as good as they could be. 

My friends and I have been trying to warn people about Asmodeus. We can't tell whether or not they're listening yet, but we'll keep trying.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Warrior Priest

The origins of the Warrior Priest are directly linked to the curious case of Alfred Wiggins Jr. v. Bridgewater State College and others.

This series is about the various aspects of the case that I thought were most important at the time, and that resonate with me still. These aspects include, but are not limited to, the means by which I was unlawfully and forcibly hospitalized at the behest of the Counseling Center on the campus of Bridgewater State on April 15, 2004.

I am writing and producing this series so I may demonstrate just how easy it was for campus authorities at the Counseling Center to create the appearance of an "emergency situation" through the use of false information about my career in the military, and the strategic deployment of stereotypes that were created by the head of the Counseling Center, then passed onto campus authorities. Both the false information and the stereotypes served to cast negative aspersions on my career in the United States Army.

In order to give this series the best treatment possible, once we begin, we will use the four required readings that are listed below:

Required Reading 1: The Summary Judgment: Alfred Wiggins Jr. v. Bridgewater State College and others.

Required Reading 2: My first letter to former Bridgewater State president Dana Mohler-Faria entitled, Original Complaint.

Required Reading 3: The Waiver of Liability by former Bridgewater State president Dana Mohler-Faria.

Required Reading 4: My final response to former Bridgewater State president Dana Mohler-Faria.

It is my sincere hope that my experiences in higher education will help educate veterans, their advocates, healthcare professionals, educators and any other individuals concerned about the rights of honorable, law-abiding and aspiring veterans who seek to improve themselves through academic pursuits.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Warrior Priest | Set Up To Fail: Part Three

The Founder's Manifesto

"In keeping with the concept of service-based learning, I fully intend to use the information at my disposal to help other college students defend themselves in ways I did not know existed before my struggle. Using all available electronic media, I will tell students about my vain attempts to seek justice from campus authorities at Bridgewater State. Using my medical records and other documents as teaching tools, I shall teach them how to stand up to unprincipled doctors, unethical social workers, dishonest campus bureaucrats, and--finally--unscrupulous, college presidents..." - From Alfred Wiggins Jr v. Bridgewater State College.

"According to the Social Security Administration, the onset of my disability came on April 15, 2004." - Alfred Wiggins Jr., a.k.a. Al Wiggins Jr., a.k.a. Mister Al.

The following dialogue is from:
The Deposition of Alfred Wiggins Jr.*,
transcribed by
Copley Court Reporting, Inc.
October 27, 2008

This interview features:
Q: Mr. Jim Cox, Esq., Attorney for the defendants.
A: Mister Al: The Plaintiff.
The Onset of Disability
Part Three

Q: Do you remember being admitted into the hospital?

A: Yes.

Q: Can you tell us what happened when you got to the hospital, please?
A: I was released by the police into a rooim with no windows after I was escorted through triage.

Q: Then what occurred?

A: A nurse, along with six, five or six orderlies attempted to force me to strip. I told her no. I prepared to defend myself because nobody told me why I was there, no one told me why I should take my clothes off, and nobody told me anything. I was just being treated like an animal

Then I realized I had no car, I didn't know where I was, I had no advocate, and I could just disappear. In fact, as far as I was concerned, I had been wiped off the map with the help of the police.

So, at one point, an orderly, a female orderly offered me a cloak and offered to help me undress. And that's when I began to cooperate because I knew I could not escape. And even if I did, I didn't even know where I would go or how to get back home.

Q: And did you then meet with doctors or psychiatrists at Brockton Hospital?

A: No.

Q: No?

A: I was given -- it was just the nurse. She gave me whatever drug was in the pill that she gave. I went to sleep. I woke up on the floor. And that's when I was introduced to whatever doctor I talked to.

Q: Have you obtained your medical records from Brockton Hospital?

A: No.

Q: Have you tried?

A: Yes.

Q: And the hospital has not produced them?

A: No. The process was onerous, at best. At one point because I think they said it had something to do with alcohol or drugs, they said they had, there was a certain process I had to follow. Then after that they said that they no longer stored their records at the hospital; they stored them at an out-of-state facility, and I would have to get my records. The fee was somewhere in the neighborhood of $47, or something like that.

Q: And you declined to pay that fee?

A: I figured if I waited long enough, I'd find out.

Q: You'd find out what?

A: I'd find out what happened.

Q: As a consequence of this litigation, we've requested those records. We've requested that you obtain them. Have you done anything since this litigation was commenced to obtain those records?

A: I'm not sure. Me, personally?

Q: Correct.

A: No. I don't know if we have them or not.

Q: How long were you in Brockton Hospital?

A: As far as I know, six days.

Q: Was any of that stay voluntary?

A: None of it was voluntary. I didn't know my rights, so I didn't know when I could leave. The only way I knew when to leave was by talking to other patients that were being released.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Warrior Priest | Set Up To Fail: Part Two

"If good does not accumulate, it is not enough to make a name for a man.
If evil does not accumulate, it is not enough to destroy a man.

Therefore the inferior man thinks,
"Goodness in small things has no value," and so neglects it.
He thinks, "Small sins do no harm," and so does not give them up.

Thus his sins accumulate until they can no longer be covered up,
and his guilt becomes so great, that it can no longer be wiped out."
"We'll dig up all of your dirt 'til we're at the bottom of you." - Mister Al
"According to the Social Security Administration, the onset of my disability came on April 15, 2004." - Alfred Wiggins Jr., a.k.a. Al Wiggins Jr., a.k.a. Mister Al.

The following dialogue is from:
The Deposition of Alfred Wiggins Jr.*,
transcribed by
Copley Court Reporting, Inc.
October 27, 2008

This interview features:
Q: Mr. Jim Cox, Esq., Attorney for the defendants.
A: Mister Al: The Plaintiff.

The Onset of Disability
Part Two

A: There was nobody outside. I said, okay, okay. And he had me put my briefcase on the squad car. Now, at the time I did this, my angina started kicking in, and I remember getting scared here because I remember angina, and it's not good stuff. So I asked him if I could get a drink of water. I didn't tell him I was having angina, but I did ask for a drink of water. He said okay. And I told him the water was in my briefcase. He looked at me kind of strange. I said, "Look in it yourself, there's nothing in there but my homework and a bottle of water." He said, "Go ahead and open it up." I did, got the water, drained it. I put the empty back in my briefcase, then said, "Okay, go ahead."

So they put the cuffs on me, or they put whatever on me to restrain my hands, wrists and they began to search me. So the chief went in this pocket here in the jacket --

Q: Just so the record will be clear, you're showing us the interior pocket of your leather coat?

A: Yes, top left.

Q: With the zipper?

A: Got the wallet out, counted the money in front of me, which was very important. There was a little over a thousand dollars, child support money, all of it. And he put it back in front of me, no tricks. And he sniffed me. He said, "You been smoking something?" I said "I've been smoking [cigarettes]," and I had been [smoking against the advice of my primary care physician]. He said, "Are you sure?" I said "My car is in the parking lot, [and I gave him my license plate number for], Rhode Island. My keys are in my right jacket pocket, feel free to search." He said, "Okay, never mind."

And I'm not sure what happened after that, except that I got put in the car. And, oh yes, I was still having angina, but the chief was talking to [one of his men]. The sergeant was driving. And the sergeant, I had this belief, I have this belief from the Army, that usually the lowest ranking individual of the group is usually the stand-up guy.

So I said, "Look, can you tell me, where are you guys taking me?" He said, "Look, as far as I know, we're just taking you to the hospital, that's it. I said, "Okay, that's fine."

Q: Can I stop you there? I'm going to ask you more questions about the day, but let me back up a bit.

A: Sure.

Q: You said you had called the chief in the past?

A: Oh, yes.

Q: What had you called him about?

A: I called him about some very disturbing things I had seen on campus.

Q: What were they?

A: I had seen women walking around [in] broad daylight with black eyes. It's just the way I grew up...I was taught that if you see elderly people, children, or women, or any combination of those three, walking around in fear in broad daylight, there's something wrong in your community.

Q: How many women had you seen walking around with black eyes?

A: At least two, in one instance, consecutively.

Q: Had there been anything else that prompted you to call Chief Tillinghast?

A: No.

Q: How many times had you called the chief?

A: Never before that. Oh, I called him once and left a message.

Q: And then you said as you walked downstairs from the third floor of the library, you talked to him about a number of things.

A: Um-hmm.

Q: What were the things about which you spoke to the chief?

A: I told him I believed he had a problem on his hands, that he had a problem -- where I come from, we call it a problem with manhood. If you have males who believe they can circumvent the rights of a woman, or of women, by just slapping them around, beating them up to make themselves feel better, law enforcement has a problem. It's not about a psychiatrist or social worker; that's after the fact. Those are crimes. The first person you go to is a police officer.

A: What else did you talk to the chief about as you left the library and went out to the cruiser?

Q: Besides asking him if I was being charged with a crime, nothing.

End of Part Two

*Edited by Alfred Wiggins Jr.

Music to code by.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Warrior Priest | Set Up To Fail: Part One

"The Destroyers (Data Mining Project)
is the vehicle I will use to destroy
every lie that led to my permanent disability."
Mister Al: Founder of The Destroyers

"According to the Social Security Administration, the onset of my disability came on April 15, 2004." - Alfred Wiggins Jr., a.k.a. Al Wiggins Jr., a.k.a. Mister Al.

The following dialogue is from:
The Deposition of Alfred Wiggins, Jr.*,
transcribed by
Copley Court Reporting, Inc.
October 27, 2008

This interview features:
Q: Mr. Jim Cox, Esq., Attorney for the defendants.
A: Mister Al: The Plaintiff.

The Onset of Disability
Part One

Q. Do you recall going to Bridgewater State College on April 15, '04?
A. Oh, yes.
Q. What class did you have, if any?
A. I forget the name of the class, but I had a class that was taught by Professor [Zuwallack.]
Q. Do you recall what time your class started that day?
A. I'm thinking mid-morning, 10:00 or 10:30.
Q. How did you get to college that day?
A. I drove.
Q. Did you and your wife generally drive separately?
A. Separately, yes.
Q. So tell me what happened that day.

A. I took my -- actually, I was wearing this jacket. I took my homework, and I had a briefcase, a black briefcase, my homework in a folder and a bottle of water, and coffee, parked in the commuter parking lot where I always parked. I went to the library.

I got to the table where my group was, we studied in groups, and the head of my group told me that the professor wanted to meet [with me]. The professor tells me that the police want to talk to me, and that the chief was upstairs waiting for me. And I noted that the professor looked nervous, but I didn't give it any credence.

Anyway, I go to the third floor, and [Bridgewater State College Campus Police] Chief Tillinghast, and [a couple of his officers] were waiting for me. The chief introduced himself. He introduced his men. And I asked him if he had received my phone call because I had called [him]. I had left a message for him; I had some concerns about some things I had seen on campus. And he said no, but he wanted to talk to me because my wife had some concerns.

So I think we were at the rail. And he said my wife was worried about me, and she thought I should go to the hospital. Now, it seemed strange because I've talked with enough law enforcement officers, just talking to them, to where I know a vague statement when I hear it. And I didn't understand until he told me that he didn't want anybody else to hear what we were talking about. And that's when I believed that something went very wrong, something very serious had happened. And I believed that something had either happened to my wife or my child or both.

So, he said he was prepared to take me over to the hospital in his squad car, his men were prepared to take me to the hospital. And I said okay.

So, we're going back down the stairs. And as I'm going down the stairs, I was talking to the chief about a number of things. But after we got off the stairs, we're walking toward the entrance of the library. And I guess I must have been caught up in what I was saying because I didn't notice that the chief and his two men had formed a phalanx behind me. So I'm walking, here is the door to the library, I'm walking, and here the chief and his two men, they're in line. And I'm walking.

That strange feeling hit me again. I stopped, and I turned around, and I asked them, "Am I being arrested? Am I...charged with a crime?" And he said, "No, no, we're just taking you to the hospital." I smiled, and I said okay.

So I go outside with them. And as I get ready to get into the squad car, the chief tells me it's standard procedure to put people, I'm not exactly sure how he phrased this, but he told me it was standard procedure that I be put in handcuffs or something to that effect. Either way, he told me I was going to have to be put in handcuffs.

So I knew I had been tricked.

End of Part One

*Edited by Alfred Wiggins, Jr.

Music to code by.

A momento between Scorpios.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Second Rebuttal

The following is a copy of a rebuttal to an article I saw in 'The Dispatch,' a blog in the Catholic World Report, entitled 'America’s utopian city wreckers?' by William Kilpatrick for The Dispatch.

"What does ‘Utopia’ have to do with Paradise? The former is a man-made construct, while the latter is my final destination to meet with Our Father who art in Heaven. While I’m on the subject of man-made constructs the following is called ‘Hitler’s Playbook,” posted June 3rd, 2020 at Scorpius:

“Whoever is behind Trump’s persecution and extermination of U.S. citizens is taking their cues from Adolf Hitler’s playbook which, among other things, advocates the use of lethal force on peaceful, unsuspecting people of faith.

This became evident when, in an act of extreme cowardice; Trump retreated to his underground bunker because he was horrified at the sight of thousands of peaceful citizens outside of the White House.

The history of World War II is rife with accounts of Hitler’s retreat into his underground bunker in the final weeks of that conflict. As the Soviet Army swarmed Berlin, Hitler allegedly committed suicide in order to escape capture.

Secondly, Trump was offended by the citizens who were tear-gassed because they didn’t fear him, or the evil he represents. More importantly, he was exposed as a coward because he retreated from a threat that didn’t exist. So he had to manufacture one. That’s why he staged the photo-op at the church.

In conclusion, Donald Trump is greedy (Behemoth). He is a bigot (Belial). He is a misogynist (Asmodeus) and an alleged pedophile (Zophos). Christians everywhere should consider him an earthly adversary to our personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, because Trump is an Agent of Satan.” – Al Wiggins Jr

Christians like me are not interested in ‘isms’ or political leanings. We want to know who else is outraged at the Sacrilege, Blasphemy or Heresy directed against the King of Kings, Jesus Christ, by that sacrilegious, blasphemous, borderline-heretic, Donald Trump."

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

First Rebuttal

The following is a copy of a rebuttal to an article I saw in 'The Dispatch,' a blog in the Catholic World Report entitled, 'Analysis: Archbishop Gregory promised the truth. Has he told it? ' by JD Flynn of the Catholic News Agency.

"It is most unfortunate that, while Archbishop Gregory’s integrity is beyond reproach, there are elements in the church that expect dishonesty. One can’t help but wonder why that is.

Maybe that’s because those same elements are trying to ignore the Heretic in the Oval Office. His name is Donald Trump. Christians like me are interested in why nobody is talking about those tear-gassed protesters, some of whom were priests.

The fact remains that Donald Trump tear-gassed those priests in order to commit what many consider either blasphemy or an act of sacrilege, or both. Many of us think it’s both and more.

This is one Nation under God. God comes first, not Trump. No one disrespects the King of Kings and gets a pass. What exactly was Trump trying to do with that Bible anyway? Why was he holding it backwards? What was so important that he had to tear-gas a bunch of innocent people? The whole thing reeks of disrespect for Jesus Christ. It’s despicable.

Whatever the controversy is supposed to be about, the fact of the matter is that you have bigger fish to fry right now. What’s it going to be? Will you gaslight Archbishop Gregory and undermine the Pope’s efforts to help us heal, or will you become part of the solution?"

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Warrior Priest

In November of 2004, I had a meeting with the Head of Affirmative Action, Alan Comedy. When I met with Mr. Comedy, he told me that, "The school was not liable for the actions fof Dr. Siebert-Larke because she was no longer a campus employee. I knew he was lying to me. He then offered to investigate the Head of the Counseling Center, Wayne Assing, but there was no point. Assing wasn't the individual who filed the paperwork for the Section 12. And so I refused Mr. Comedy's offer.

On September 27 2005, I sent an eight page letter of complaint to the President of Bridgewater State College, Dana Mohler-Faria. Strangely enough, in November of that year, Head of Affirmative Action, Alan Comedy finally responded to my letter and told me that he would be the one to carry out the investigation. Not once was there any mention about our meeting the year before, or the fact that he was in my official complaint to Mr. Mohler-Faria.

During the time I was still a student at Bridgewater State College, the Dean of Student Affairs said campus policy, "guides the reinstatement process". The first paragraph stated: A student may be required to seek professional help if physical and psychological health problems place that student's life in potential danger; impair that his/her ability to maintain an academic program; or when his/her behavior is a serious disruption to others. That kind of thing works when the doctors actually do their jobs and examine their patients.

However, on April 15, 2004, no doctor examined me, I was never brought before a judge--both of which are required by Massachusetts state law--and I was still removed from campus in handcuffs. Furthermore, at every opportunity Dr. Grace Siebert-Larke avoided contact with me, and during the entire sordid episode, the doctor continually made assertions about my character and my life that were not true. Worse yet, as a hospitalized student I got no advocacy from the Counseling Center staff, who let me languish in the psych ward at Brockton Hospital past the time allowed by the state of Massachusetts (I got six days, but the state limit at the time was four days).

Monday, June 8, 2020

Warrior Priest

According to the Social Security Administration, the onset of my disability came the day I was falsely imprisoned and my civil rights were violated by campus authorities at Bridgewater State College. Now that I've had time to contemplate the events of that day, I now refer to it as, a case of medical kidnapping. However, during the time that members of Campus Police handcuffed me and transported me to Brockton Hospital, I was still treated with a modicum of dignity.

Yet when I arrived at Brockton Hospital and the handcuffs were removed, that's is when the real maltreatment began. When I asked questions about why I was transported to that hospital in handcuffs, or as to why I was forced to stay in a psych ward, I received no satisfactory answers. The situation got worse when I was given medications. I thought I they were going to give me painkillers for my angina. Instead, I was given lithium carbonate which caused hallucinations.

As stated in the Summary Judgement, I'd suffered an attack of angina after the campus police handcuffed me. As a stroke survivor with a physician and insurance, I was sure that the doctors at Brockton Hospital would at least get the information necessary to do their jobs properly, but my concerns were ignored. To my knowledge they did nothing corroborate any of the false information they'd received from Dr. Seibert-Larke of the Bridgewater State College Counseling Center.

I was rendered disabled because of the incident according to the Social Security Administration. This was devastating because, though I'd suffered a debilitating stroke in 2000, I was still able to avoid disability and stay in school. After six days in the psych ward at Brockton Hospital, I could no longer function intellectually as I had before I was forced to undergo their treatments. Sadly enough, I still suffer from an intellectual disability I didn't have before the events of April 15, 2004.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Agents of Satan: Agents of Behemoth

"Greed (Latin, avaritia), also known as avarice, cupidity, or covetousness, is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of desire. However, greed (as seen by the Church) is applied to an artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions. Thomas Aquinas wrote, "Greed is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things." In Dante's Purgatory, the penitents are bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated excessively on earthly thoughts." - Wikipedia: Seven deadly sins/Greed

"Hoarding of materials or objects, theft and robbery, especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of authority are all actions that may be inspired by greed." - Wikipedia: Seven deadly sins/Greed

"If you're a working or middle class parent struggling to put your kid through college, or if you're a student drowning in debt, you should be pissed off at the greed that spawned the orgy of the dishonesty that led to the college admissions scandal. If you're not, you should be." - Scorpius

The Agents of Behemoth
are the patrons of greed.
They want to own everything
that you will ever need.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Warrior Priest Manifesto

"I first designed this website to address the stereotypes of military veterans, the accompanying discrimination I suffered and the violations of my rights while a student at Bridgewater State, in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, from 2004 to 2006.

This includes the lack of due process from the Counseling Center, the Office of Student Affairs, the Office of Affirmative Action and the Office of the President at Bridgewater State College.

Prior to building this website complaint, I'd sought informally to have a resolution to serious issues through the Office of Affirmative Action and the Office of the President. However, the series of violations in question have repeatedly been ignored, rather than taken seriously as I understood it was the Bridgewater State College President Dana Mohler-Faria's responsibility to do.

Even more disturbing was the ugly biases exhibited by select campus officials at Bridgewater State College, because of my veteran status.

Hence I have chosen to fight, in the hopes that I may help other veteran students to identify and effectively address the unreasonable stereotypes perpetrated by shameless, low-minded individuals of ill-will such as the campus officials who freely discriminated against me and cheated me out of a college degree.

Here I stand on the embankments of Faith, and I shall fight."

Al Wiggins Jr, a.k.a. Mister Al.
Founder of The Destroyer's Data Mining Project.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Agents of Satan: Origins of Scorpius

I'd planned to do coffee and give a status report yesterday, but I was distracted by news that I simply couldn't ignore: the statements that an Oklahoma state senator made about rape and incest being "God's will." You can read more about that individual and his statements via the link featured in this post.

I was so outraged at what I read that I tweeted a message to the GOP leadership. The following embed contains the link to the article containing the blasphemous comments made by Oklahoma state representative George Faught:

"Dear @GOP leadership, I'm curious: do any of you skinflints, cheapskates or misers believe that my personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary, would use one iota of His divine power to cause a child to be raped? Are you saying He would approve of incest?"

As I said yesterday, “I'm so pissed off I could slap the taste out of Satan's mouth." For now I'm with waiting to see who else is as pissed off as I am, but more updates are coming

G-Pa - Founder of The Destroyer's Data Mining Project

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Hitler's Playbook

Whoever is behind Trump's persecution and extermination of U.S. citizens is taking their cues from Adolf Hitler's playbook which, among other things, advocates the use of lethal force on peaceful, unsuspecting people of faith.

This became evident when, in an act of extreme cowardice; Trump retreated to his underground bunker because he was horrified at the sight of thousands of peaceful citizens outside of the White House.

The history of World War II is rife with accounts of Hitler's retreat into his underground bunker in the final weeks of that conflict. As the Soviet Army swarmed Berlin, Hitler allegedly committed suicide in order to escape capture.

Secondly, Trump was offended by the citizens who were tear-gassed because they didn't fear him, or the evil he represents. More importantly, he was exposed as a coward because he retreated from a threat that didn't exist. So he had to manufacture one. That's why he staged the photo-op at the church.

In conclusion, Donald Trump is greedy (Behemoth). He is a bigot (Belial). He is a misogynist (Asmodeus) and an alleged pedophile (Zophos). Christians everywhere should consider him an earthly adversary to our personal Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, because Trump is an Agent of Satan.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Confessions of the Founder

From the day I was born until the age of thirteen I was raised in the Catholic Church in Boston, Massachusetts. In 1971 my mother, married a soldier in the U.S. Army.

We promptly moved down to the Fort Bragg area in North Carolina. After a brief stay in Fayetteville, My family and I moved to Spring Lake in 1972. It was on Thanksgiving Day of that year both Mama and my stepfather announced, to me and my brother, they were both leaving the faith.

The food was ready and it was time to say grace. We all sat down, ready to bow our heads. Mama asked, "Who's going to say grace?" It was an odd question because my stepdad always said grace, but he looked up at Mama and said, "After Cambodia (where he was stationed in 1968 during his last tour of duty with the US Army in Southeast Asia), I no longer believe in God."

As they looked at each other, I turned to Mama. As she looked back across the dining room table at my stepdad she said, "Well I don't know why God lets bad things happen to good people."

Long story short: my stepdad became an atheist, my mother became an agnostic and I ended up saying grace that day. Since that day, I have had a deep and abiding hatred for devils, and that event is just one of many that are part of the "beef" that I have with Satan.

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay.

Monday, June 1, 2020

First Report

An Introduction to the DDMP

The Destroyer's Data Mining Project (DDMP) is an anti-propaganda, anti-disinformation website. Hosted by 'Occupy Hades' at, the DDMP is home to three separate ops. PSYOP focuses on U.S. politics, OpFukushima on climate change & the environment, and OpHyacinth focuses on the rights, health and welfare of children across the planet.

Founded in April 2011, the DDMP was first activated on October 11, 2011 for the purpose of mitigating the effects of misinformation targeting the Occupy Wall Street movement. Designed for social media combat in the age of weaponized information, the DDMP also consists of two swarms: The Swarm & The Swarm (401). The former is always on the 'attack' while the latter compiles information gathered by the other ops.

Guantanamo-on-the-Styx is a separate social media concept that was created to seek out the root causes of evil in our society by avoiding and destroying the 'labels' used by mainstream media to confuse and mislead the general public. My mother, after she left the Catholic Church, used to say "Satan isn't responsible for everything that goes wrong in the world. He has help."

In conclusion, the purpose of the DDMP is to gather information that will uncover the 'Agents of Satan.' Our motto: 'We'll dig up all of your dirt 'til we're at the bottom of you.'